
Viewing Result 

  • Submission date :  {{time}}
  • Job Id :  fLcJiTnzUPLbwV9
  • File name :  {{name}}

  Mobile Genetic Elements      ARGs

MGE Type MGE Detail Cargo ARG Drug Class Virulence Vir Detail MGE Coords Length BestHit

MGE Type:          The type of predicted mobilome.
Cargo ARG:        The cargo antibiotic resistance genes in that MGE.
Virulence:           The cargo virulence genes in that MGE.
MGE Coords:    The start and end positions of the MGE on the bacterial genome.
MGE Detail:     The insertion sequence detail while the MGE Type is IScluster/Tn.
Drug Class:       The corresponding drug class of the cargo antibiotic resistance genes.
Vir Detail:         The detail information of the cargo virulence genes.
Length:                The length of the sequence of that MGE (in bp).

BestHit:               The best hit (Mash distance threshold: 0.005) of that MGE to the active ARG-associated MGEs datasets (Dataset I: MGEs with experimental support; Dataset II: Predicted active ARG-associated MGEs).

Antibiotic Resistance Associated Mobile Genetic Elements
Start:  {{selectedmarker.start}}        End:  {{selectedmarker.end}}
Length:  {{selectedmarker.markergroup.split('_')[0]}}        GC%:  {{selectedmarker.markergroup.split('_')[1]}}
Element Type:  {{selectedmarker.markergroup.split('_')[2]}}
ARG/VF:  {{selectedmarker.markergroup.split('_')[3]}}
Mobile Genetic Elements in {{name}}

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