Welcome to ICEberg 3.0!

Integrative and conjugative elements in bacteria

ICEberg 3.0: functional categorization and analysis of the integrative and conjugative elements in bacteria

Integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) are essential mobile genetic elements that play a significant role in bacterial evolution. They can integrate into the bacterial chromosome and possess a complete conjugation machinery, enabling self-transmission between bacterial cells. By facilitating the horizontal transfer of diverse cargo genes, ICEs confer host beneficial traits such as antibiotic resistance, pathogenesis, defense system, metal resistance, compound degradation, and symbiosis, which contribute significantly to bacterial diversity and adaptation. Here, we report the release of ICEberg 3.0, which offers three major enhancements: (i) New ICE, IME and CIME data with manual curations. (ii) Categorization of ICE cargo functions. (iii) Extends its focus to encompass ICEs from the human microbiome. These updates enable efficient in facilitating the understanding of bacterial evolution by capturing the diverse functions and characteristics of ICEs. Photo


    ICEberg 3.0 database is online. (Jun 1, 2023)
    mICE dataset update. (Feb 15, 2023)
    ICEfinder update. (Oct 15, 2022)
    Website restructuring. (Aug 28, 2022)